If you or someone else used Gift Setup in the PhotoShare Frame App and the pre-loaded photos were not received after the frame was setup OR you received an email from us about your Gift Setup, please submit the information below. 

Note we will need the following information to process your request:

  • The account email address of the user who used Gift Setup in the app to pre-load photos (the gifter)
  • The intended recipients Frame ID (if the frame has already been setup) or the Frame Serial Number

Once submitted, we will update the information and ensure your pre-loaded photos are delivered to the desired frame.

Why do we need this information?
We identified a problem in the Gift Setup process where, in certain cases, it would allow other barcodes to be scanned that were not the actual gifting barcode (which identifies the frame they’re meant for). That issue has since been resolved but there are existing cases where an invalid barcode had been accepted by mistake, so those preloaded photos are stuck in the queue.
We are proactively reaching out to any gifters who were impacted, and asking for corrected information so we can make sure your gift is received as intended!

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Should you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.